Young Galvanizing, Inc., Provider of hot dip galvanizing of steel products.
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Your Galvanizing Department!

Young Galvanizing, Inc. recognized again for excellence in galvanizing!
2003 Award Winner, Fore River Bridge Project. 2004 Award Winner, Supreme Manufacturing Eight-Yard Modular Dredge Project. 2007 Award Winner, Worthington Products Tuffboom Project. 2008 Award Winner, Decorative Flower Boxes. 2010 Award Winner, First Energy Summit. 2015 Award Winner, Turris Systems.

PNC Park. Home of the Pittsburgh Pirates. Click here for a larger image!
PNC Park. Home of the Pittsburgh Pirates.

Quality through experience! For over 40 years Young Galvanizing, Inc. has consistently provided the highest levels of zinc coating quality as well as service, receiving numerous awards and a reputation for quality within the galvanizing industry. The reason for this reputation is experience. Our managers and foremen all have at least 20 years of experience with our company and a majority of our workforce has more than 10 years each. This cumulative experience adds up to a better product for our customers.

We've Got You Covered!

Roberto Clemente Bridge, Pittsburgh Pa. Click here for a larger image!
Roberto Clemente Bridge, Pittsburgh Pa.

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